Our mission at East Rankin is to train each child spiritually, academically, physically, and socially with the help of a college-preparatory curriculum, extracurricular activities, and the united efforts of parents and teachers under the leadership of God as found in the Old Testament and New Testament of God's Holy Word.
Train up a child in the way he should go....Proverbs 22:6
By endeavoring to provide a Christian atmosphere for education, East Rankin is dedicated to the development of moral character and the spiritual enrichment of young lives, as well as growth in an advanced academic program. The strong academic emphasis is balanced with a strong emphasis on Biblical principles and Christian lifestyles. Our goal is to keep Jesus Christ at the center of everything we do so that our Lord may receive glory and honor.
• To provide a well-balanced educational program that will help develop students spiritually, academically, physically, and socially.
• To unashamedly have rules and regulations in order to provide a disciplined environment for learning.
• To train students in the knowledge of God and the Christian way of life and to lay the foundation for Christian character.
• To provide students with excellent academics.
• To strive to provide a curriculum that has some flexibility in meeting the developmental needs of the students.
• To provide programs that will help to clarify the students’ ethical consciousness and help to develop sound standards of Christian values.
• To provide formal and informal opportunities to enhance the students’ spiritual development and understanding of Biblical truths.
• To encourage students to think perceptively in evaluating their actions, their values, and their goals.
• To train students to be respectful, resourceful, and responsible – in accordance with God’s Word.
• To encourage patriotism and good citizenship.