
East Rankin Academy Technology Advancement Plan

With the continuing changes and advances in technology, the need for new skills requires us to plan for and provide cutting-edge technology for our students that will best shape their learning. We want our students to have accessible content and information, different learning processes, and experiences beyond the desktop as we seek to provide an educational balance of traditional learning with technology through exploring and experimenting in a creative, Biblically responsible environment.

East Rankin Academy believes in a balanced approach to technology. There is definitely a place and purpose for technology in the classroom, but we feel it should be used in a structured, purposed, and monitored environment. Teachers should identify specific projects, times during class, and intentions for allowing the use of technology in the classroom. We also understand the importance of creating expectations and guidelines for students as we use technology in our classrooms. Even though we believe technology can be a highly effective educational tool and can certainly be used to enhance education, we believe it should be used to supplement the classroom curriculum but not used as the sole source of learning. Our school’s goal for technology is for our teachers and students to effectively use available technological resources with a balanced approach to traditional educational teaching/learning styles. Even though we value technology in our school, we feel that “technology for technology’s sake” should never replace the teacher-student relationship, nor should the screen replace the textbook. The academic successes of our current students and incredible achievements of our alumni, reinforce our belief that a balanced approach to technology and traditional learning best supports the mission of our school.

East Rankin Academy has the following technologies currently in use:

  •     High Speed Wireless Internet throughout campus
  •     Faculty Classroom Laptops for lesson prep and presentation
  •     Apple Mac Computer Lab with 30 Computers
  •     PC Computer Lab with 30 Computers
  •     200 Chromebooks for use in Grades 9-12
  •     iPads in 1st Grade Classrooms
  •     iPad Kiosks in our Preschool Center and K5 Classrooms
  •     Promethean 
  •     30 Ipad Cart available for use in 2nd-8th Grade
  •     Robotics Lab with two 3-D Printers
  •     30 iPads in Math and Science Discovery Lab
  •     LCD Projectors in each Classroom
  •     Document Cameras in each Classroom.
  •     Little-Bit Tech Lab
  •     Flat Screens


Students using Chromebooks